Monday, August 18, 2008

2008 Townie World Champions

24 Hours in the Sage
Townie World Championships
Gunnison, Colorado
The A-Team: Special Edition
Andrew, Anton, Brandon & Rich
16, 13-mile laps completed in 24 hours
First Place Finish!

Anton & Moby taking it easy before the race start at noon on Saturday at the KOA campground in Gunnison, Colorado.

Andrew finishes the first 13-mile lap of the day for The A-Team: Special Edition. The team is off to a great start with his lap time of 1 hour 13 minutes!

Now it's Anton's turn for his first lap...

Anton lovin' that fast singletrack.

Rich is up next..... And go!

Anton, Andrew & Moby refuel back at the camper.

Rich finishes his lap and Brandon is off and pedaling...

Rich ran the last part of the course due to a flat tire and still made it in 1 hour 27 minutes!

Andrew finishes his fourth lap shortly before midnight. Tambi takes the first half of the night's support duties.

Night laps were exhausting. Brandon makes it in and is ready for bed at 5 am.

Anton completes his first early morning lap and eagerly awaits sunrise as he heads out for a second lap near dawn.

Anton rolls in at 8:48 am and is beyond tired. Rich is up next. Then Brandon and Andrew go out on the final lap together to ensure a timely finish.

Two other four-person townie bike teams raced. The A-Team maintained their lead throughout the race, but the Tune-Up Team stayed hot on their heals, trailing by only a half hour nearing the finish.

Thanks to a great support team, sturdy bikes and a burly effort from the racers, The A-Team wins the 2008 Townie World Championship!

When the race announcer asked the crowd of mountain bike racers if any of them had been passed by a townie bike during the race, about half raised their hands. Everyone laughs & cheers. The A-Team is awarded a bit of cash and lots of applause.

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