Monday, February 18, 2008

5 Acres of Paradise

Step out the back door and there are beautiful things to see. The snow is finally melting in town and the yard has come alive with color, new found objects and earthy smells. The dogs love outdoor time. They've become adept at avoiding cactus, uncovering old bones, finding deer droppings and chasing unsuspecting rabbits. Even little Moby who dislikes being cold as much as I do, will venture far and scavenge under a pinon tree until he loses track of time and finds himself all alone--uh oh, where's my pack! Grizz, our 125# Malamute has nerve damage in his hind end and lumbers unevenly through the brush. He went in for acupuncture today. He wasn't able to jump into the car on his way there--please, I need some help here--but did so just fine leaving the vet's office. Rufus' one focus is finding a bone and then guarding it with gusto any time another canine comes within 10 feet. Bheri keeps a look out from wherever she is, always ready to jump into action. She charges the chicken fence to make sure the chickens are never dozing off. This is no game. One poor hen was eaten a couple of weeks ago by some hungry four-legged creature--so stay alert chickens! And of course Bheri keeps an eye on the road so that if by chance someone with a bicycle or baby stroller rolls by, she can let us know. The cat, that's Twister aka Evil Cat, (not Bob cat who doesn't bother to get off the couch to come outside and play with the rest of the gang), follows the pack from a distance, meowing the whole way, taking extreme effort to avoid any cactus and rolling in the dirt when the spot is right. He slinks about, half scared, half curious, with his tail straight up in the air and puffed out to three times its normal diameter. Anton picks up rocks and places them artistically on other rocks or stumps, and I enjoy keeping an eye on the critters' happenings. And speaking of critters, we're considering adopting a pair of retired and unwanted donkeys. Check out Long Hopes Donkey Rescue. Before anyone gets too excited, there's a lot research to do, fence posts to pound, fencing to erect, and a small stable to construct. As for now, all is peaceful on these five acres of pinoned paradise.


Ed said...

Great post!


JenyJo said...

COOL! We miss you guys, and we miss GRIZZZ BUNY!!

ed and i will be moving in this coming weekend ;-)
